Implementation of European Union structural and cohesion policy after 2020


  • Mária Petriková Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice


cohesion, European Union, programming period 2021-2027, legislative


Structural and cohesion policy is one of the European Union’s main instruments for implementing one of its main principles, and that is solidarity between the more economically developed regions and those which are lagging behind in economic and social terms. Reducing regional disparities in the European Union is achieved through individual instruments, the most important of which are the structural funds. The preparation of legislation and conditions for the new programming period 2021-2027 is currently being intensively negotiated at the level of the European Commission and the Member States. These processes are affected by the fact that the European Union is currently facing many new challenges that affect the setting of priorities as well as the new multiannual financial framework. Cohesion policy is the European Union’s most powerful investment tool and currently accounts for one-third of the EU budget but cuts proposed by the Commission for the years 2021-2017 would reduce its share considerably.


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How to Cite

Petriková, M. (2020). Implementation of European Union structural and cohesion policy after 2020. Slovak Journal of Public Policy and Public Administration, 7(1). Retrieved from

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