Current trends in public administration in European territorial cooperation in Hungary


  • Zsuzsanna Fejes International and Regional Studies Institute, Faculty of Law, University of Szeged


decentralization, europeanization, cross-border


The aim of the article is to examine the institution-building process of cross-border territorial cooperation processes in Hungary. First, the paper examines how the Council of Europe and European Union (EU) can support establishing preconditions with a sensitive and differentiating approach to regional and territorial policies and instruments. The article analyses the Regulation 1082/2006 (revised in 2013) on European grouping of territorial cooperation (EGTC), which has become a response to the lack of legal and institutional instruments of cross-border co-operations and ensured competencies for subnational authorities in Hungary. Finally, the paper summarizes how to respond to new alternatives in order to increase efficiency, legitimacy and transparency of cross-border territorial cooperation.


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How to Cite

Fejes, Z. (2017). Current trends in public administration in European territorial cooperation in Hungary. Slovak Journal of Public Policy and Public Administration, 4(2). Retrieved from