Vol. 7 No. 1 (2020): Slovak Journal of Public Policy and Public Administration

BENCOVÁ, Tatiana: Measurement of campaign efficiency in the 2020 elections using data envelopment analysis
JINDŘICHOVSKÁ, Irena: On the relevance of gravity model in the new institutional environment
PAWERA, René – LAVROVIČOVÁ, Monika - HÚSENICOVÁ, Lucia: Business management in the light of cultural diversity in the labor market
PETRIKOVÁ, Mária: Implementation of European Union structural and cohesion policy after 2020
HORVÁTHOVÁ, Zuzana: Jiří Bílý et al: European values - Tradition and its changes in the 21st century
ŠAFÁR, Marek: Martin Švikruha (ed.): Transformation and changes of political system in the countries of visegrad group