Vol. 4 No. 2 (2017): Slovak Journal of Public Policy and Public Administration

					View Vol. 4 No. 2 (2017): Slovak Journal of Public Policy and Public Administration

FEJES, Zsuzsanna: Current trends in public administration in european territorial cooperation in Hungary
HENCOVSKÁ, Mária: Is criminal-law protection of the preparation and holding elections necessary?
JANKUROVÁ, Andrea: Social policies of selected countries and their changes
KANCIK-KOŁTUN, Ewelina: Elections and functioning of higher local government units in Poland and Slovakia

HORVÁTH, Peter: Novotný, Vladimír a kol.: Veřejná správa v zemích Višegrádské čtyřky
MACHYNIAKOVÁ, Lenka: Konečný Stanislav, Jaroslava Szüdi, Gábor Szüdi. Social services within the competence of municipalities – institutional development in Slovakia

Published: 2017-12-31