New challenges for officials in public administration
public servant, public administration, law, stateAbstract
New challenges for officials in public administration The aim of the paper is to focus on the performance of the profession of a civil servant in the Czech Republic as a person who is able to respond to dynamically changing conditions in the exercise of his/her profession. The execution of the so-called white-collar service is often an unjustly neglected profession, not only in the media and society, but often on the basis of non-orientation in the basic requirements imposed on the performance of this activity. The paper focuses on the view of territorial self-governing units officials who, in addition to their profession, are obliged to educate themselves during their white-collar life, to respond to political and new social situations and to perform, which is always connected with the principle of constitutionality, but mainly to function in cooperation with the law which their activity is based on and without which it could not do so. The authors of the article set themselves the personal goal of presenting the official’s performance as a challenging profession, which is often unjustly criticized without anyone realizing the strict link between his/her performance and law. First, the paper will use the description method, which will then change into analysis and deduction.
Act No. 312/2002 Coll., On Officials of Territorial Self-governing Units and on Amendments to Certain Acts.
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