Elections and functioning of higher local government units in Poland and Slovakia


  • Ewelina Kancik-Kołtun Wydział Politologii Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej


local region, region parliament, local governance, local election, Poland, Slovakia


The article addresses the issue of comparison of higher level local government units in Poland and Slovakia. Initially, the author brings closer the division of states into regions. Then she deals with the analysis of the sources of law, the internal structure of individual units, their elections, mode of action, internal organs, tasks, and the manner of their dismissal in both countries. Finally, it focuses on the dangers posed by political party of local governments. The author claims that party commitment of local governments is the cause of different dysfunctions such as political clientelism, centralism enforcement, local governments indebtedness and weakening of representative democracy.


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How to Cite

Kancik-Kołtun, E. (2017). Elections and functioning of higher local government units in Poland and Slovakia. Slovak Journal of Public Policy and Public Administration, 4(2). Retrieved from https://sjpppa.fsvucm.sk/index.php/journal/article/view/71