Paradigm shift in public administration in Hungary. The Magyary Zoltán public policy programme


  • Edit Soós University of Szeged, Faculty of Law


state, public policy, good government, public administration


In 2010, the Hungarian government started the public sector reform programme with the aim of modernising its public administration and improve access, responsiveness and quality of public services. In order to transform the „Good State” concept into practice, in 2011 the government launched the Magyary Zoltán Public Administration Development Programme (MP 11.0). The aim of the paper is to highlight the main characteristics of the recent Hungarian public administration reform from a public policy point of view. It provides an evidence-based evaluation of the institutional and administrative reorganisation, based on review and analysis of the author’s recent academic research, government documents and key findings from the research.


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How to Cite

Soós, E. (2017). Paradigm shift in public administration in Hungary. The Magyary Zoltán public policy programme. Slovak Journal of Public Policy and Public Administration, 4(1). Retrieved from

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