Defining overlaps in relation to public policy and public administration


  • Mária Adamcová Faculty of Public Administration, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
  • Michal Imrovič Department of Public Administration and Public Policy, Faculty of Social Sciences UCM in Trnava


public policy, public administration, intersections, public interest, actors


The aim of the paper is to analyse overlaps in relation to public policy and public administration. Since the subject of the field in question requires a great deal of knowledge and data, it is required to avoid inaccuracies and to preserve its scientific space. We have identified several overlaps in this research study. The first key one is the public interest. The second one is characterized by the actors themselves, i.e. by the public policy and the public administration. The other overlap is linked to the structuring of public policies. The number of overlaps between public policy and public administration is not exhausted this way. Based on the new theoretical and practical knowledge of public policy and public administration, we assume that the future times will point to a number of another overlaps.


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How to Cite

Adamcová, M., & Imrovič, M. (2019). Defining overlaps in relation to public policy and public administration. Slovak Journal of Public Policy and Public Administration, 6(1). Retrieved from

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