2018 municipal elections in Trnava region


  • Peter Horváth Department of Public Administration and Public Policy, Faculty of Social Sciences UCM in Trnava
  • Ján Machyniak Department of Public Administration and Public Policy, Faculty of Social Sciences UCM in Trnava


elections, electoral systems, municipal policy, Slovak Republic, political party


Elections are a means of legitimizing power, through which citizens elect their representatives. The principle of representative democracy ensures that, for a given period, the duly elected representatives of the people manage public matters at the level of the state, the European Union, the region or the municipality. Municipal policy is the closest level to the everyday life of citizens. It immediately affects the quality of life. Accessibility of medical care, clean roads, functioning preschool facilities, high-quality elementary schools, but also the level of local taxes and many others are factors that are also the result of who the citizens elect in the municipal elections.In Slovakia, we have more than 2800 municipalities and cities, each municipality has its mayor and deputies of the municipal council. Each municipal self-government has several thousand competencies that are enshrined in legislation. A special phenomenon of municipal elections is the institute of independent deputies, which allows to stand as a candidate without beinga part ofthe spectrum of political parties. In the long term, these independent deputies are the most successful group among all candidates.


ACT NO. 180/2014 Coll. on Conditions of the Exercise of Voting Rights and on Amendments and Supplements to certain Acts as amended.

ACT NO. 181/2014 Coll. on Election Campaigne and on Amendments and Supplements to the Act No. 85/2005 Coll. on Political Parties and Political Movements as amended.

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STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC. Available on the Internet: www.statistics.sk.



How to Cite

Horváth, P., & Machyniak, J. (2018). 2018 municipal elections in Trnava region. Slovak Journal of Public Policy and Public Administration, 5(2). Retrieved from https://sjpppa.fsvucm.sk/index.php/journal/article/view/80