Is criminal-law protection of the preparation and holding elections necessary?
ultima ratio, elections, obstruction, preparation of elections, holding of elections, electoral fraudAbstract
The paper contains a scientific (doctrinal) interpretation of criminal-law provisions, which are to protect the preparation and holding the elections, referendum and plebiscite on the recall of a President of the Slovak Republic. It examines the participation of those criminal offences in total criminal rate in the Slovak Republic in the context of the position of criminal law in the system of law of the Slovak Republic and tries to find the answer to the questions about inevitability or necessity of those provisions.
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Legal Regulations:
Act No. 300/2005 Coll. Criminal Code as amended
Act No. 180/2014 Coll. on Conditions of the Exercise of Voting Rights and on amendments to certain laws as amended
Act No. 181/2014 Coll. on Electoral Campaing and on amendments to Act No. 85/2005 Coll. on Political Parties and Political Movements as amended
Act No. 40/2009 Coll. Penal Code as amended
BGBI.Nr.60/1974 Strafgesetzbuch as amended (amendment BGBI, I Nr.154/2015)
Act C/2012 the Criminal Code (2012 évi C. torvény a Bunteto Torvenykonyvrol) online in English: <>.