Social policies of selected countries and their changes


  • Andrea Jankurová Faculty of Law, Danubius University, Slovak Republic
  • Zuzana Horváthová Department of Law and Public Administration, Metropolitan University Prague


EU legislation, functions and tools of social policy, sources of funding of social benefits, social benefits structure, material and financial support for the social field


The paper aims an analysis of fundamental differences in the field of social policy of the selected countries. The purpose of all models of modern social policy applied in the economically developed countries worldwide is to substitute for the income of those that have lost it due to some social events, to provide a health care, to provide support for families with children or to provide a help when a person is in distress with the aim to prevent him from poverty and secure pensions. An efficient improvement of both the social attitudes of the state and especially the legislation at national level should be, in the first row, the way of how the state can increase the standard of living of its residents and improve the quality of life. For our comparison and a comprehensive research, we chose the representatives of different social models. France, Germany, Sweden and the Czech Republic and Slovakia.


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How to Cite

Jankurová, A., & Horváthová, Z. (2017). Social policies of selected countries and their changes. Slovak Journal of Public Policy and Public Administration, 4(2). Retrieved from